
Showing posts from 2014

Finance: Swan Song

Since the release of Theros, I have been watching Swan Song. The first price range of $4-5 was pretty high so I stayed away. By November, the price was below $2 and I began trying to pick them up. The price still headed downward and has not really recovered as it is at a dollar or so now. I fully believe that this card should be in the $3-5 dollar range in the next few years. Standard has not really be the friendliest to Swan Song, but it has showed up from time to time in sideboards. Maybe with Jeskai Ascendancy on the rise, it will start to see more play. Helping protect your own combo, as well as countering opposing Ascendancies might do something for the card. Modern, Legacy, and even Vintage have shown promise for Swan Song. This might not be the wide view, but I have heard a handful of players in my area say they use Swan Song as a more budget version of Pact of Negation or because they just could not find Pacts to use. There could be some cases where Swan Song is better

Modern Brews: Mono Red Blitz

In Modern, I have been struggling to find a deck I liked to play. I started out on the UW Gifts Tron list that Gerry Thompson talked about infinite years agos. Since then, I have gone from deck to deck trying to find anything that I liked to play. I feel pretty bummed that the last deck that I stopped playing before Khans came out is now the new hotness in UR Delver. The blue cards never really fit my style. Leaving mana open for counter spells did not seem natural to me. I just want to attack. Once again, I am on a guest to find a deck that I enjoy playing in Modern. This time, I want to go back to the last deck that I really really enjoyed playing in Standard, Mono Red Blitz. The goal was to play creatures and attack with them. People seem to think that these types of decks are easy to play and do not require a lot of skill, but the deck has more play to it then meets the eye. Back in Scars-Innistrad Standard, I put together a deck I called Mono Red Blitz that I really enjoye