
Showing posts from January, 2015

EDH: Tromokratis AKA Mono Blue Sea Monsters

Back a few years ago, my local Legacy players start getting into EDH for some reason, and I still have no idea why to this day. What happened next was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in Magic, I caved in the built an EDH deck too.  A group of us would always get to the store an hour or more before the tournaments so we could smash our decks at each other because we wanted to play Legacy night and day. One day, a couple of guys brought their EDH decks to play instead. I watched as everyone started playing EDH instead of Legacy beforehand, leaving me nothing to do but watch. Soon after I started showing up maybe fifteen minutes before tournaments started because I did not want to just watch Magic, I wanted to play it.  I remembered back to when I first heard about EDH back in 2010 when it was described to me as a format where you can play whatever you want, it is just for fun so make a fun deck. Tribal type theme decks have always been my favorites, I started pl