Cube Notes: 4/20/2015

Every few months, I like to go through my cube and take notes on what I think about its current state. I decided to post those notes here. When I go through it, I start at white and go in the WUBRG order then multicolor and colorless.

Here is a link to my cube for reference:
It is a 370 unpowered cube with a few silver border and conspiracy cards.

Cube notes:
1. I have too many white 2-drop creatures. There are currently 13 in my cube.

2. I need to add Wrath of God to my cube. I still don't have it for some reason.

3. There are only 2 4-drop white creatures. Maybe, I can cut a couple 2-drops for a couple 4-drops.

4. There are only 3 2-drop blue creatures in my cube. I need to look at other cubes to see if there are any that I'm missing.

5. Looking at non-creature spells, I think Impulse needs to get cut. Probably, for a creature.

6. I have 7 counterspells. I need to look to see if that is a normal number for this size cube or not.

7. Crypt Ghast doesn't really play a great role in any black deck. It might get cut, but I'm not sure what for.

8. Every color has a land but red. I might want to try to find a good one to add.

9. Valley Dasher doesn't seem good enough for a 370 cube, it might get cut for a red land.

10. I only have 2 1-mana green mana dudes. I need to look at what I want green to do. If I want to keep it a ramping type color, then I need to add more mana dudes at the 1 slot.

11. I have 9 2-drop green creatures. Maybe I will cut 1 for a 1-drop mana dude?

12. I'm still missing a Sword of Light and Shadow and then the sword cycle will be complete.

There are the things that I wrote down to think about. If you have any thoughts on the subject, please let me know!

Thank you,
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