
Showing posts from August, 2015

Phil Does a Nuzlocke: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance #1 - Part #1

I was going to write some explanation of the plot of the game and the start of the story, but a wiki page can probably do it way better than I can so here is the link to the page:  FFTA Wiki Here are the rules I'm following: When someone besides the main 2 characters dies in a battle/mission, they mush be asked to leave the clan. If either main character dies in a battle/mission, the locke is over. I must accept all characters that want to join my clan. All characters must keep the job they joined the clan as. I named my main character "P" because I know I'm Philip or Phil, and it might save a little bit of screen time down the road. I named my clan "Nuzlocke" so that way I know which of my two saves is my Nuzlocke game. Yeah, pretty smart. After you first get teleported to the Final Fantasy world and join your clan, they already have five people for you to join. I plan on keeping these members and adding to them as I go. Here is the team a

Phil Does a Nuzlocke: Pokemon Y #2 - Part 1

I moved half way across the country recently and have decided to restart my Pokemon Y nuzlocke. Now, I bring you Pokemon Y #2. I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I do! As before - Rules I'm following: Catch only the first Pokemon encountered in each route/area. Nickname all Pokemon. Once a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead and much be put in the PC. If the first Pokemon encountered on a route/area has already been caught, the next Pokemon encountered will be caught instead. Gift Pokemon are allowed.  This time, I started off my journey with Cheeks the Chespin! We were both excited to start out journey. And away we go! Cheeks and I ran onto Route 2 and ran into a Pidgey. Great, another Pidgey. We will take what we can get, though. Orville the Pidgey joins the team! I put our newest member in the lead heading into the forest, and he did a great job at taking care of a Scatterbug. Unfortunately, we wanted to catch that Scatterbug. Route 3 will be better, I ho