Phil Writes the Saturday Morning Brew: Budget Standard Mono Red

This time for the Saturday Brew I wanted to try my favorite archetype in Standard, mono red. This week, I want to look at the budget version I came up with. This deck is not tested or anything, but I think it should prove some fun games at a reasonable cost.

Creatures: 40
4x Bonded Construct
4x Lavastep Raider
4x Kolaghan Stormsinger
4x Bellows Lizard
2x Subterranean Scout
4x Valley Dasher
4x War-Name Aspirant
4x Mardu Scout
4x Ghirapur Gearcrafter
3x Goblin Heelcutter
3x Bloodfire Enforcers

Spells: 20
4x Titan's Strength
4x Call of the Full Moon
4x Dragon Fodder
4x Infectious Bloodlust
4x Goblin War Paint

Lands: 20
20x Moutain

Sideboard: 15
3x Magmatic Chasm
3x Shatter
2x Twin Bolt
2x Act of Treason
2x Arc Lightning
1x Barrage of Boulders
1x Enthralling Victor
1x Arrow Storm

The current Standard has a lack of cheap creatures that pack a punch. Bonded Construct is pretty bad, but it has two power for one mana.

Lavastep Raider and Bellows Lizard are potential mana sinks. I doubt that you will have a lot of opportunities to use it, but options are always good.

Kolaghan Stormsinger helps put pressure on the opponent early and fast. A 1/1 for one with haste is not the biggest threat but being attacked on the first turn can freak some opponents out a tiny bit. I try to never underestimate mind games.

Subterranean Scout can disrupt early blocking plans and goes with the low casting cost theme.

Ghirapur Gearcrafter throws out a 1/1 flyer that can be enchanted and hit hard in the air. I want to try to play around with the Origins creatures that produce thopter tokens.'

Bloodfire Enforcers is the heavy hitter for this deck, unfortunately. They hit hard, but that is about it. No flair or anything.

Let me know if you have any mono red budget suggestions!

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