Phil Writes the Saturday Morning Brew: Non-Powered Mono Red in Vintage

Ever since M11, I have really liked Manic Vandal and try to put him into a lot of decks. Please don't ask me why. No one quite knows the reason. Perhaps, its that he's a two-for-one in red that takes out an artifact. Or maybe its that he is just swinging his bat thing through glass because, as the flavor text says, its fun, and he doesn't need any other reason. Most of the time, he might be a sideboard card in a Imperial Painter list, but I wanted to try to find a deck I could justify playing him main deck. The format that made that be able to happen is Vintage.

The thing that I do not like about Vintage is the Moxen cards, I know that's what's alluring for most players. I decided that type of deck I would make would have to be unpowered and ready to beat the decks that did play with power. I threw together a list, but it is nowhere near complete. In the future, I would like to try to play Vintage and would like to have a fun deck to play.

Non-Powered Mono Red
Creatures: 19
2x Goblin Welder
3x Legion Loyalist
2x Gorilla Shaman
4x Manic Vandal
4x Goblin Rabblemaster
4x Simian Spirit Guide

Artifacts: 7
3x Grafdigger's Cage
1x Skullclamp
3x Ankh of Mishra

Other Spells: 14
4x Lightning Bolt
1x Forked Bolt
2x Smash to Smithereens
4x Price of Progress
3x Fireblast

Lands: 20
4x Bloodstained Mire
4x Wooded Foothills
12x Mountain

Sideboard: 15
2x Electrickery
2x Guttural Response
1x Meekstone
2x Pithing Needle
2x Pyroblast
2x Red Elemental Blast
1x Rending Volley
1x Shattering Spree
2x Smash to Smithereens

The basic idea is to try to beat your opponent's face while blowing up their artifacts. I like the subtlety good Legion Loyalist is getting in a world where Young Pyromancer and Monastery Mentor thrive. I probably have way too many things to destroy artifacts and not enough creature power to close out games.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions!

Thank you,
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  1. I've tried playing goblins in mtgo online and it seems to work alright. Part of the problem with Manic Vandal your pet card is that in Vintage the artifacs you want to beat the most are in workshop decks that make your spells cost even more. So 3 mana to kill an artifact is rough.
    For your artifact hate I'd look at ingot chewers.
    I don't quite understand what your goblem welders are doing.
    Ankh of Mishra and Price of Progress doesn't seem that great in a format that can function off of very few lands.

    Consider swapping eletrickery for slice and dice, which is uncounterable when cycling it plus you draw a card.
    I'd also experiment with trying to make it more Goblin based so you could add caverns.
    When I tried out mono red in vintage modern I ran 4 mental misssteps which might help you break through.
    That Gorilla shaman seems sweet.
    Eidolon would be a good choice if you are getting closer to a burn deck.

    Anyway good luck on this deck. I'm sure after you play a few matches you'll have an idea on what directions you need to take it.


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