
Showing posts from 2016

Phil Writes About Sims 3: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body

Here  is a link to the list of all Lifetime Wishes Larry Rounsaround set out to master both the athletic and logic skills. In order to pay the bills, he got a job in the athletic career. That way he can use the gym while at work to increase his athletic skill as well as using the weight lifting equipment at his house. A chess table was used to level up his logic skill. The combo of using the gym at work and the chess table at home made it pretty easy to just grind up to mastering both skills. After less than a year of the same old thing every day, mastery of both athletics and logic was in Larry's hand. Thank you, Philip Follow Me on Twitter! Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!

Phil and Syd Write About: Christmas Episodes of our Favorite Shows

We wanted to come up with list of some of our favorite shows' Christmas episodes for our viewing pleasure. Spending Christmas watching these episodes together is the best part of the day so we wanted to share this list with you in hopes it can bring you some joy. The Office S2E10: Christmas Party S3E10: A Benihanna Christmas - Part One S3E11: A Benihanna Christmas - Part Two S5E11: Moroccan Christmas S6E13: Secret Santa S7E11: Classy Christmas - Part One S7E12: Classy Christmas - Part Two S8E10: Christmas Wishes S9E9: Dwight Christmas Bob's Burgers S3E9: God Rest Ye Merry Gentle-Mannequins S4E8: Christmas in the Car S5E6: Father of the Bob S6E5: Nice-Capades S7E7: The Last Gingerbread House on the Left How I Met Your Mother S2E11: How Lily Stole Christmas S4E11: Little Minnesota S6E12: False Positive S7E12: Symphony of Illumination S8E10: The Over-Correction S8E11: The Final Page - Part One S8E12: The Final Page - Part Two American Da

Phil Writes About Sims 3: One Sim Band

Here  is a link to the list of all Lifetime Wishes This time, I want to try my hand at the One Sim Band wish. This wish requires you to master the Bass, Guitar, Drums, and Piano skills. I plan on taking my sim around town and paying for tips to make a living as I level up. Let's meet Bobby Dylanski. Bobby is a Loner, Star Quality, Loves the Outdoors, Artistic, and Lucky. I am going to start with bass and guitar then move on after that. First, priority is to get to a level on each instrument to play for tips when you first start with it. Getting to level five is half way the mastering, but that is what I have to do. After reaching the correct level, Bobby went to the park and played for tips for the next week or so. This process not only earned him enough money to survive for a while, he also mastered the bass! Bobby can skate by with the $2,000 he earned in tips for the rest of mastering the drums, piano, and guitar. Getting the reward money for mastering a skill s

Phil Writes About the Sims 3: CEO of Mega-Corporation

Here is a link to the list of all Lifetime Wishes To get started, I wanted to do a pretty easy wish. The CEO wish is defiantly an easy one. Reaching level 8 in the Business career is the goal so let's get started by meeting by sim. Bob LifetimeWishes has Star Quality, Unstable, Natural Cook, Heavy Sleeper, and Lucky. Time to get a job in the Business career and get going! Bob easily worked up the ranks by making friends with his boss and co-workers. He invited them over and went to all their parties. In just a few hours of playtime, Bob was able to reach level 8 and achieved this lifetime wish. Not too bad! Thank you, Philip Follow Me on Twitter! Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!

Phil Writes About Magic: Terese Nielsen Mono White VAC

I have recently discovered a variant on Vintage that restricts all your cards to one artist. Whenever I think of Magic art, I think of Terese Nielsen cards so I wanted to make a deck using her as my artist. Here is what I came up with. Lands: 23 21 Plains 2 Springjack Pasture Creatures: 26 4 Dryad Militant 4 Mother of Runes 4 Mistral Charger 4 Silvercoat Lion 2 Sigardian Priest 4 Nyx-Fleece Ram 4 Angel of Jubilation Other Spells: 11 4 Swords to Plowshares 1 Brainwash 4 Glorious Anthem 2 Loxodon Warhammer Sideboard: 15 2 Wooden Sphere 4 Divine Offering 1 Brainwash 4 Rest in Peace 2 Keening Apparition 2 Lifelink I really like that I have access to Dryad Militant, Mother of Runes, Angel of Jubilation, Swords to Plowshares, and Rest in Peace. Those cards go a lot, Springjack Pasture is a fun card. Who doesn't love making goats? Sigardian Priest can help deal with any unwanted creatures like Blightsteel Colossus. This deck probably needs more of an

Phil Writes About Pokemon: Wonder Trade Wednesday - #09

Rules: Roll 2 6-sided dice to determine number of trades. Select a Pokemon in the Wonder Trade box and trade them that many times. Repeat with how many different Pokemon I want. See what happens. I don't know if there is an actual point or not, but I thought it would be fun to see which Pokemon I get through the process. Pokemon Y is the game I am playing. Trade 1 Dice Roll: 10 Start: Aron -> Seedot -> Wurmple -> Weedle -> Froakie -> Froakie! -> Cranidos -> Pidgey -> Eevee -> Hariyama -> Charmander Ending with a Charmander is a pretty decent trade! Trade 2 Dice Roll: 3 Start: Caterpie -> Grimer -> Scatterbug -> Whismur Trade 3 Dice Roll: 9 Start: Kecleon -> Machop ->  Turtwig -> Seedot -> Surskit -> Gastly -> Zigzagoon -> Eletrike -> Charmander ->   Absol Trade 4 Dice Roll: 9 Start: Totodile -> Zigzagoon -> Wailmer -> Mudkip -> Goomy -> Gloom -> Linoone -> Unknow

Phil and Syd Write About Sims 3: All Lifetime Wishes

We wanted to make a list of all the lifetime wishes that we have available to use, and then work out way through them giving our experience along the way. We hope you enjoy. The Sims 3 Lifetime Wishes: Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder Become a Master Thief Become a Superstar Athlete Become an Astronaut Blog Artist Bottomless Nectar Cellar CEO of a Mega-Corporation: Phil #1 Chess Legend Descendant of da Vinci Fashion Phenomenon Firefighter Super Hero Forensic Specialist: Dynamic DNA Profiler:  Phil #1 Gold Digger Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers Great Explorer Heartbreaker High Tech Collector Hit Movie Composer Home Design Hotshot Illustrious Author International Super Spy Jack of All Trades Leader of the Free World Living in the Lap of Luxury Made the Most of my Time Major Master Martial Arts Master Master Acrobat Master Mixologist Master Romancer Master of the Arts Monster Maker More than a Machine One Sim Band:  Phil #1 Paranormal Profite

Phil Writes About Pokemon: First Alpha Sapphire Team

Latias - 56 Plusle - 62 Sceptile - 62 Pelipper - 62 Camerupt - 58 Absol - 52 I used a very different team than I normally do for Pokemon games, but my goal is to push myself to play outside my limits. In the future, plan on seeing more teams with Pokemon you normally do not see me use like a Plusle or a Camerupt. I look forward to finishing Pokemon Y. My team is way outside my normal boundaries, and I really like it so far. Look forward to seeing that soon. Thank you, Philip Follow Me on Twitter! Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!

Phil Writes About Frontier: First Draft White Weenie

As more and more post and tournament results come in for the new Frontier format, the more likely it will be that the format will stick. I wanted to get ahead of the game and started drawing up plans for some old favorites in this new world. First up this time around is a deck that is close to my heart, White Weenie. These disruptive little creatures make for some interesting interactions, and even though there aren't that many cards to choose from, you still can get some disruption in there. Lands: 21 21x Plains Creatures: 33 4x Thraben Inspector 3x Kytheon, Hero of Akros 3x Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit 4x Selfless Spirit 4x Phyrexian Revoker 3x Fairgrounds Warden 3x Hushwing Gryff 3x Thalia, Heretic Cathar 4x Vryn Wingmare 2x Gisela, the Broken Blade Other Spells: 6 3x Smuggler's Copter 3x Declaration in Stone Sideboard: 15 1x Felidar Cub 3x Hidden Dragonslayer 3x Gryff's Boon 1x Blessed Alliance 2x Celestial Flare 1x Declaration in Stone 1x

Phil Writes About Pokemon Go: Pokemon I want to get #1

I want to make a list of Pokemon I am trying to get. The new buddy system has given me hope on getting some of my Pokemon to evolve that I had little to no hope of evolving before. Weezing Arcanine Raichu Gengar Kindoking Kindoqueen Exeggutor Right now my buddy is Growlithe with the hopes of getting my Arcanine soon! Who is your buddy? Thank you, Philip Follow Me on Twitter! Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!

Phil Writes About Pokemon Go: Update #2

A lot has happened since my last update! I managed to do an evolve marathon and leveled up to 25.     My new goat is to get to 28 by the end of October. I think that should be possible. The plan is to save up my Pokemon until I have 400ish, and then transfer down until I have the right amount of candies to evolve the number I have. My team has not changed a whole lot. I don't really get a lot of high end type Pokemon. I did manage to evolve a handful of new PokeDex entries like Rhydon and Rapidash! Both are two of my favorites. I hope to have more good news on my next update! Tell me, which is your favorite Pokemon you've caught or evolved recently? Thank you, Philip Follow Me on Twitter! Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!

Phil Writes About Magic Finance: Eldrazi Mimic

I think Eldrazi Mimic is a give away as a potential spec. Picking this cards up for under $1.25 feels like a good move. With Kaladesh coming out soon with a heavy emphasis on artifacts and colorless, Eldrazi decks showing up in Modern, Legacy, and Vintage, a price increase seems inevitable. I could see this card reaching $3 plus in the long term if not more in another short term Standard spike this fall or winter. I personally have 50 copies of this card I have picked up over the past few months. I plan on trying to get out around $2.50 when the price starts to rise. Let me know what you think about this card, and what you think the future hold for this Eldrazi monster. Thank you, Philip Follow Me on Twitter! Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook! (Image:

Phil Writes About Pokemon Go: Update #1

I wanted to start doing updates on how I am doing on the Pokemon Go app. Earlier today I got to level 24 after spending a few weeks at 23. My goal is to get to 25 by the end of September. That seems pretty reasonable at this point. My team is not exactly something is be amazed by, but they do their job. Lapras is a new addition, but Slowbro has been a rock for me for a long time along with Vaporeon. I'd excited to see what the future holds for my team and the game, in general. I'm hoping to get some Pokemon that are above 2000 CP in the next week or so.  We'll see what my team looks like next update. Let me know what your team looks like and what your favorite Pokemon so far has been! Thank you, Philip Follow Me on Twitter! Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!

Phil Writes About Modern: Budget Mono Green Infect

(Image taken form Lands: 21 21x Forest Creatures: 22 4x Glistener Elf 4x Blight Mamba 4x Necropede 4x Ichorclaw Myr 4x Rot Wolf 2x Blightwidow Other Spells: 17 4x Aspect of Hydra 2x Apostle's Blessing 3x Become Immense 4x Mutagenic Growth 4x Vines of Vastwood Sideboard: 15 3x Viridian Corrupter 1x Pulse of Murasa 3x Tormod's Crypt 2x Apostle's Blessing 4x Nature's Claim 2x Feed the Clans Creature base is infect all the way. I am not sure what mix of pump spells would be best for this sort of more budget build, but I am guessing it should have some number of these cards in it. In the sideboard, Viridian Corrupter can come in against Affinity and Tron to hit artifacts, but they can also come in handy in matches where you might need more creatures because of removal. Pulse of Murasa is also good for removal heavy matches so you can get a creature back from the graveyard, and it can also be good for Burn if you think yo

Phil Writes About Cube: Multicolor, Artifact/Colorless, and Lands in Shadows over Innistrad for Peasant Cube

With Shadows over Innistrad fully spoiled, I thought it would be a good time to look at the different cards that I might want to add to my Peasant Cube. For reference my cube can be found here:  Cubetutor Link It is time to wrap up this set with the rest of the cards!   Harvest Hand / Scrounged Scythe  I think Harvest Hand will be a addition to Aggro decks. As I have said before, I like cards that make your opponent decide what to do. They can either keep being attacked by a 2/2 or give you an equipment. I'm not so sure about the equipment in this set, but I like this one.   Enemy Pair Lands The first half of this cycle was printed in Oath of the Gatewatch, and I was wondering if they would finish it in this one. I like dual lands in my cube, and I hope having another cycle will help produce more multicolor masterpieces. Also, I don't think they have ever started a cycle like this in one block and finished in another. That was probably due to the chang

Phil Writes About Pokemon: Wonder Trade Wednesday - #08

Rules: Roll 2 6-sided dice to determine number of trades. Select a Pokemon in the Wonder Trade box and trade them that many times. Repeat with how many different Pokemon I want. See what happens. I don't know if there is an actual point or not, but I thought it would be fun to see which Pokemon I get through the process. Trade 1 Dice Roll: 5 Start: Swablu -> Pikachu -> Shinx -> Amoonguss -> Bagon -> Ralts Trade 2 Dice Roll: 4 Start: Rotom -> Zigzagoon -> Fletchling -> Combee -> Machop Trade 3 Dice Roll: 3 Start: Zigzagoon -> Machop -> Ralts -> Roselia Trade 4 Dice Roll: 4 Start: Pelipper -> Togepi -> Zigzagoon -> Zubat -> Tauros Thank you, Philip Follow Me on Twitter! Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!

Phil Writes About Cube: Green Cards in Shadows over Innistrad for Peasant Cube

With Shadows over Innistrad fully spoiled, I thought it would be a good time to look at the different cards that I might want to add to my Peasant Cube. For reference my cube can be found here:  Cubetutor Link Green is on the menu for today. Let's dig in! Autumnal Gloom / Ancient of the Equinox I really like this card. The G/B graveyard matters is something I want to push, and this card goes along way to helping that deck out. Even though the card that is being put into the graveyard is from the top of your deck and unknown, I think it is still worth playing. I expect this card to easily make it into the cube.   Duskwatch Recruiter / Krallenhorde Howler This card feels extremely powerful. The fact that it lets you dig into your deck and find creatures on one side and then make them cost less on the other side is just great. This is an obvious play, but you can cast him on turn 2, pay 3 for the cost on turn 3, and then flip him at end of turn. How perfect! Krall

Phil Writes About Cube: Red Cards in Shadows over Innistrad for Peasant Cube

With Shadows over Innistrad fully spoiled, I thought it would be a good time to look at the different cards that I might want to add to my Peasant Cube. For reference my cube can be found here:  Cubetutor Link This time, we look at Red cards! Bloodmad Vampire Bloodmad Vampire is one of the many cards I really like from this set. This card can be a 4/1 for 2 when cast for its Madness cost, which means that a different card for a beneficial effect from discarding Bloodmad Vampire to it. The added effect of being able to grow pushes this card over the edge for me.   Geistblast Geistblast is an expensive Shock, but I like the added 2 generic and 1 blue cost for copying a instant or sorcery. I think this card will prove itself useful in a lot of ways in cube. Both Control and Burn decks could possibly run this card to give it an extra boost. This card should make the cut. Incorrigible Youths Incorrigible Youths goes along the same lines as Bloodmad Vampire for me. T