Phil Writes About Cube: Green Cards in Shadows over Innistrad for Peasant Cube

With Shadows over Innistrad fully spoiled, I thought it would be a good time to look at the different cards that I might want to add to my Peasant Cube. For reference my cube can be found here: Cubetutor Link

Green is on the menu for today. Let's dig in!

Autumnal Gloom / Ancient of the Equinox

I really like this card. The G/B graveyard matters is something I want to push, and this card goes along way to helping that deck out. Even though the card that is being put into the graveyard is from the top of your deck and unknown, I think it is still worth playing. I expect this card to easily make it into the cube.

 Duskwatch Recruiter / Krallenhorde Howler
This card feels extremely powerful. The fact that it lets you dig into your deck and find creatures on one side and then make them cost less on the other side is just great. This is an obvious play, but you can cast him on turn 2, pay 3 for the cost on turn 3, and then flip him at end of turn. How perfect! Krallenhorde Howler might be one of the few flip cards that you want to flip back over to reuse the effect over and over. I fully expect this card to be a long term stable in my cube.

Intrepid Provisioner
I am not sure about this creature. A 3/3 Trample for 4 is not the worst, and if you can manage to give a Human +2/+2, then that is just the cherry on top. I need to take a closer look to see if this card fits in, but my guess is that the other Green 4 drops might just be better.

 Moldgraf Scavenger
Having Delirium is not too difficult so a 3/4 for 2 is pretty much as good as it gets. Even though it does not have any other abilities, a beat is just fine. I really like this creature and am excited to play it in G/x aggro decks for a while.

Obsessive Skinner

I really like this creature to pump up your team fairly easily. Both G/x Aggro and Tokens decks should want this creature. This added bonus of being able to blink him and give out counters pushes him for me a little. I really hope this creature is as good as I think it will be.

What do you think of Green in Shadows over Innistrad?

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