Phil Writes an Update: 3/15/2016

Hi! I wanted to start writing posts ever once in a while to explain what's going on in my life, and what give little previews of what other posts are coming up in the future. Overall, I want to start writing more and getting more posts out there for everyone to read. Let's get started.

First, we moved to a new apartment. It is a lot quieter than our old one so hopefully life will get better than it was there. This new place is in a much better part of town and jobs should be easier to get here because they are only a 20 minute drive instead of more than an hour with traffic.

On the lines of jobs, I have resumes applying for jobs since we moved here, but in the meantime I am still selling cards on and doing MTurk. MTurk is an Amazon ran website where Requesters can put up tasks that reward a, usually, small amount of money in exchange for people completing them. A good example of a such task is doing surveys and coping pictures into text. Since starting out in November, I've made quite a bit from it so I'd recommend checking it out if you want some extra cash. I hope that I can find an actual job in the next month, but until then doing these things is holding me over.

MTurk has been going well lately, I am averaging about $20 a day on the site so that is a pretty penny for feeling like I am not really doing a whole lot of work. It kind of drive me crazy how I do not feel like I am doing anything.

While not grinding away on MTurk, I have been grid drafting my cube. The past few days, mono white and white/red have been coming up a lot for me.  Maybe, I am just in an attacking mood. Banshee of the Dread Choir has never been put in a deck despite being drafted a lot so I decided to replace her along with Complete Disregard for similar reasons. Look for a post explaining details of the replacement. Speaking of which, if you want to draft my cube (Here) and give me feedback, that would be awesome! I'd be happy to draft your cube as well.

In addition to cubing, I booted up the old 3DS again and did some Wonder Trading on Pokemon Y. It is just too much fun to see what pops up on the screen when you send your Pokemon away. That means that there will be some Wonder Trade Wednesday posts coming up the the next few Wednesdays. Also on the Pokemon note, Sydney got my Alpha Sapphire for Christmas so I have been playing that a little bit. I want to start playing it more. After I beat the game, I want to do some Wonder Trading with it. In the meanwhile, I am working on some more posts.

Some of what I am working on is updates for my Modern Mono Red deck and Sea Monsters EDH deck for Oath of the Gatewatch. I also want to write a little about UG Madness in Pauper. Both the usual deck construction and the new one with a special Oath of the Gatewatch surprise in it. Make sure to keep an eye out for these posts coming up soon as well as more updates!

Thank you,
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