
Showing posts from 2015

Syd's Star Wars 10k Outfit

So, we are 40 days away from the Star Wars 10k in Disneyland! We did our first runDisney race last year and the most fun thing about it was seeing how everyone dressed up! This time I had a lot more fun with costume ideas for both of us. Star Wars has so many unique and intricate characters to choose from! We decided to go as Luke Skywalker and his wife Mara Jade Skywalker. (Side note; I don't know if she is in the new movie or not but we know about her from the books) Outfit breakdown! I got the tank top,black sparkle skirt, and purple visor from!  Special shout out to my mother in law and sister in law for ordering them for me!! The black pants and shoes are Nike brand. I have the Nike Free Run style and I LOVE it! In all the pictures I've seen of Mara Jade Skywalker she is wearing all black, with red hair, and a purple lightsaber. So honor of her purple lightsaber I have the purple visor and red hair is already accounted for ;)   Eh, I&#

Phil Writes About Pokemon: Wonder Trade Wednesday - #05

Rules: Roll 2 6-sided dice to determine number of trades. Select a Pokemon in the Wonder Trade box and trade them that many times. Repeat with how many different Pokemon I want. See what happens. I don't know if there is an actual point or not, but I thought it would be fun to see which Pokemon I get through the process. Trade 1 Dice Roll: 9 Start: Thundurus -> Staryu -> Spinda -> Feebas -> Vulpix -> Scatterbug -> Cottonee -> Elekid -> Scyther -> Cacnea Trade 2 Dice Roll: 3 Start: Ferroseed -> Seedot -> Whismur -> Zigzagoon Trade 3 Dice Roll: 7 Start: Goomy -> Absol -> Hawlucha -> Torkoal -> Wurmple -> Kricketune -> Larvesta -> Kricketune Trade 4 Dice Roll: 5 Start: Kecleon -> Shieldon -> Golbat -> Furfrou -> Oddish -> Panpour Trade 5 Dice Roll: 2 Start: Fletchling -> Swirlix -> Cranidos Thank you, Philip Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!

Phil Writes the Saturday Morning Brew: Pauper White Weenie

A local store is starting to run Pauper events on Sunday afternoons so I wanted to bring back my old favorite Pauper deck to play. I wanted to start from scratch and adjust my deck based on what I see during my first few weeks. I'm super excited for this deck so here is the list I came up with: White Weenie Creatures: 28 4x Doomed Traveler 4x Icatian Javelineers 2x Hopeful Eidolon 1x Gideon's Lawkeeper 4x Squadron Hawk 4x Kor Skyfisher 4x Loyal Cathar 3x Veteran Armorer 2x Guardian of the Guildpact Other Spells: 10 4x Bonesplitter 4x Journey to Nowhere 1x Oblivion Ring 1x Triplicate Spirits Lands: 22 20x Plains 2x Secluded Steppe Sideboard: 15 2x Dust to Dust 1x Oblivion Ring 3x Standard Bearer 2x Kor Santifiers 2x Lone Missionary 2x Holy Light 2x Leave No Trace 1x Celestial Flare I really like the guys that Doomed Traveler and Loyal Cathar leaves behind. The little combo of Icatian Javelineers and Kor Skyfisher. Kor Skyfisher also works wel

Phil Writes About Pokemon: Wonder Trade Wednesday - #04

Rules: Roll 2 6-sided dice to determine number of trades. Select a Pokemon in the Wonder Trade box and trade them that many times. Repeat with how many different Pokemon I want. See what happens. I don't know if there is an actual point or not, but I thought it would be fun to see which Pokemon I get through the process. Trade 1 Dice Roll: 10 Start: Elekid -> Lairon -> Lileep -> Sunkern -> Seviper -> Charmander -> Zubat -> Snivy -> Zigzagoon -> Axew -> Infernape Trade 2 Dice Roll: 7 Start: Froakie -> Vulpix -> Joltik -> Ralts -> Beldum -> Minun -> Zubat -> Fletchling Trade 3 Dice Roll: 12 Start: Zigzagoon -> Zigzagoon -> Zorua -> Karrablast -> Larvitar -> Sableye -> Machop -> Luvdisc -> Ralts -> Eevee -> Leafeon -> Meditite -> Claydol Trade 4 Dice Roll: 3 Start: Metapod -> Zigzagoon -> Shieldon -> Zigzagoon Trade 5 Dice Roll: 8 Start: Mudk

Phil Writes About The Sims: Claws to Riches Part #01

A year or so ago, I found the "The Claaaaaaaw" machine in The Sim 3 and thought it was a pretty cool item. Basically, it is like the claw machine games at arcades where you make the claw try to grab different prizes. The only differences with this machine on the game is that you almost always win, and the prizes it gives out can sometimes be worth thousands of dollars. Which leads me to my questions: How fast can you make a decent sized house with just using the claw machine to make money? To answer this question, I set up a game with some rules below: Rules: Move into empty lot Place only a "The Claaaaaaw" machine on lot. Use :familyfund x 0" to set money back to $0. Grab prizes from claw machine to build a house. Now that we know the rules I set, let's meet the sim. My sim: Name: Philip Blog Traits: Loner, Loves the Outdoors, Night Owl, Vehicle Enthusiast, and Lucky. I moved to an empty lot and put on a claw

Phil Writes About Commander 2015: Corpse Augur

This fall Wizards of the Coast released the Commander 2015 set. Although, these cards are intended for Commander/EDH play, I have found a few cards I would like to include in my Peasant Cube ( Cube ). Right now, I want to write about just one of those cards,Corpse Augur! Corpse Augur cost one black and three generic for a 4/2 Zombie Wizard that when he dies, you draw X cards and you lose X life, where X is the number of creature cards in target player's graveyard. I like this card as an alternative way to draw cards in black, since we all know drawing cards is fun. There is a fair amount of life gain in black so the life you lose should not be too bad. The only problem is if both players have more creatures in their graveyard than you do life, then this card is a death sentence. I am still on the fence about this card. I like the card draw, but the potential to kill yourself with him is probably enough to keep him about of the cube, but I still want to give him more th

Phil Writes About Commander 2015: Warchief Giant

This fall Wizards of the Coast released the Commander 2015 set. Although, these cards are intended for Commander/EDH play, I have found a few cards I would like to include in my Peasant Cube ( Cube ). Right now, I want to write about just one of those cards, Warchief Giant. This Giant Warrior is cost two red and three colorless. He's a 5/3 with haste that whenever he attacks, you put a token that is a copy for him into play attacking each opponent. Most of the time, I play one-on-one with my cube so that will not come up a lot. I do like him as a plain 5 cast 5/3 with haste. He fits well in the red aggro decks where you can curve up to him and finish off opponents on turn five, hopefully. He is not really that good on the defensive, however. But, if you are on defense with red, something is not going your way anyway. I am excited to see how this guy turns out in cube. If you have any comments, please put them below. Thank you, Philip Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on

Phil Writes About Pokemon: Wonder Trade Wednesday - #03

Rules: Roll 2 6-sided dice to determine number of trades. Select a Pokemon in the Wonder Trade box and trade them that many times. Repeat with how many different Pokemon I want. See what happens. I don't know if there is an actual point or not, but I thought it would be fun to see which Pokemon I get through the process. Trade 1 Dice Roll: 7 Start: Hawlucha -> Poynyta -> Ninjask -> Zigzagoon -> Furfrou -> Froakie Trade 2 Dice Roll: 8 Start: Torchic -> Panour -> Eevee -> Bunnelby -> Kakuna -> Togepi -> Pikachu -> Zigzagoon -> Drifloon Trade 3 Dice Roll: 10 Start: Wurmple   -> Froakie  -> Magikarp -> Skarmory -> Slakoth -> Luvdisc -> Xantu -> Wingull -> Magrikarp -> Purugly -> Froakie Trade 4 Dice Roll: 4 Start: Golem -> Bagon -> Ralts -> Honedge -> Mudkip Trade 5 Dice Roll: 6 Start: Chinchou -> Skitty -> Unknown -> Rufflet -> Eevee -> Nincada -> P

Syd's Super Easy Workout at Home

I'm not a fan of the gym. Its money that is basically thrown in the trash (unfortunately learning from past experience). Also the atmosphere of a gym is one I'm not a fan of. "We see that you are overweight and trying to better yourself but we are going to snicker at you when your running on the treadmill."  So, I've come up with a workout plan that works for me and I can do it throughout the day and the best news is I can stay in my pjs! So everyday I make a list of small things I can do everyday that get my heart rate up and get me moving. Everyday I write down what I plan on doing. Its a lot easier to stick with it if you write it down and not just make a not on your phone. I for sure HATE my belly fat and am wondering why until now I've never decided to do anything about it. So I decided to do 100 sit ups in a day. I also am not a fan of my jiggly arms so I decided to work on the different parts of my arm. Here is my daily  workout plan.    I am cou

Phil Does a Nuzlocke: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance #1 - Part #2

 If you missed it, you find Part #1 here: Let's get started with FFTA! Here is the team from where we left off: P - human - Soldier - Lv 4 Montblanc - moogle - Black Mage - Lv 4 Georg - human - Soldier - Lv 4 Olivar - bangaa - White Monk - Lv 4 Cuthbert - nu mou - White Mage - Lv 3 Leo - human- Hunter - Lv 3 After some Dispatch missions, Ingg the bangaa Warrior wants to join the clan! In a battle against a random clan, Leo falls to a series of attacks in a row. Fortunately, Cassidy the bangaa White Monk joins the clan to replace him. The clan defeated the fowl thief and Benkman the nu mou Black Mage joins the clan to increase our numbers even more. With how the adventure was going before, I was seriously worried that it would be a lot shorter than I hoped. Now that the numbers are increasing faster than decreasing, we might have a chance. Soon after, we met up with our friend from the real world named Ritz and helped her with some not very nice bad guys. She was n

Phil Writes the Saturday Morning Brew: Non-Powered Mono Red in Vintage

Ever since M11, I have really liked Manic Vandal and try to put him into a lot of decks. Please don't ask me why. No one quite knows the reason. Perhaps, its that he's a two-for-one in red that takes out an artifact. Or maybe its that he is just swinging his bat thing through glass because, as the flavor text says, its fun, and he doesn't need any other reason. Most of the time, he might be a sideboard card in a Imperial Painter list, but I wanted to try to find a deck I could justify playing him main deck. The format that made that be able to happen is Vintage. The thing that I do not like about Vintage is the Moxen cards, I know that's what's alluring for most players. I decided that type of deck I would make would have to be unpowered and ready to beat the decks that did play with power. I threw together a list, but it is nowhere near complete. In the future, I would like to try to play Vintage and would like to have a fun deck to play. Non-Powered Mono Re

Phil Writes About EDH: Tromokratis AKA Mono Blue Sea Monsters Update

It has been a while since I did an update on my mono blue sea monsters deck in EDH. A lot has changed since the last time I posted about the deck here. Without further delay, here is the updated decklist. General: Tromokratis Creatures: 43 Hypnotic Siren Sigiled Starfish Walking Sponge Chasm Skulker Crystalline Nautilus Man-o'-War Guard Gomazoa Spiny Starfish Thassa, God of the Sea Coral Barrier Giant Oyster Thassa's Emissary Narwhal Reef Worm Sand Squid Breaching Hippocamp Chromeshell Crab Killer Whale Stormsurge Kraken Mulldrifter Sealock Monster Sandbar Serpent Sky-Eel School Shipbreaker Kraken Drowner of Hope Deep-Sea Terror Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor Keiga, the Tide Star Scourge of Fleets Colossal Whale Isleback Spawn Kraken of the Straits Pearl Lake Ancient Scrapdiver Serpent Kederekt Leviathan Stormtide Leviathan Lothos, the Tidemaker Trench Gorger Benthic Behemoth Breaching Leviathan Inkwell Leviathan Grozoth Deep-Sea K

Phil Writes About Peasant Cube: Into to my Peasant Cube

Once again, I have decided to build a cube. This time, however, I am going to make one that I have always wanted to make but never have, peasant. Only commons and uncommons are allowed in this cube. This list is going to be a work in progress for quite some time and all feedback is appreciated. List for reference:  My Peasant Cube I think the problem I have had in the past is that I make my cubes too close to what the main stream cubes look like that I get bored because I have already drafted them a lot. My aim is to have a lot of cards that are not normally seen in cubes, but I still want the experience to be nice and fun. I've not really looking for any certain size, either. There are a lot of cards I want to play with, though, so it might get up in the 720+ range. If it comes to it, I might even split the cube up into a main cube and a backup cube for if I want a smaller cube experience with a larger cube option. For some of the archetypes, I know I want Madness/Gr

Phil Writes About Pokemon: Wonder Trade Wednesday - #02

I recently found the Wonder Trade function on my Pokemon Y game, and I decided I was going to have a little fun with it. Rules: Roll 2 6-sided dice to determine number of trades. Select a Pokemon in the Wonder Trade box and trade them that many times. Repeat with how many different Pokemon I want. See what happens. I don't know if there is an actual point or not, but I thought it would be fun to see which Pokemon I get through the process. Trade 1:  Dice roll: 10 Start: Vaporeon -> Doduo -> Seedot -> Eevee -> Kecleon -> Purugly -> Gloom -> Ralts -> Luvdisc -> Wurmple -> Charmander Trade 2: Dice roll: 6 Start: Gligar -> Bulbasaur -> Onix -> Wurmple -> Aincada -> Tynamo -> Eevee Trade 3: Dice roll: 3 Start: Wailmer -> Noctowl -> Gulpin -> Elekid Trade 4: Dice roll: 9 Start: Squirtle -> Persian -> Graveler -> Dunsparce -> Spearow -> Kecleon -> Aredactyl -> Torchic -> Me

Phil Writes the Saturday Morning Brew: Budget Standard Mono Red

This time for the Saturday Brew I wanted to try my favorite archetype in Standard, mono red. This week, I want to look at the budget version I came up with. This deck is not tested or anything, but I think it should prove some fun games at a reasonable cost. Creatures: 40 4x Bonded Construct 4x Lavastep Raider 4x Kolaghan Stormsinger 4x Bellows Lizard 2x Subterranean Scout 4x Valley Dasher 4x War-Name Aspirant 4x Mardu Scout 4x Ghirapur Gearcrafter 3x Goblin Heelcutter 3x Bloodfire Enforcers Spells: 20 4x Titan's Strength 4x Call of the Full Moon 4x Dragon Fodder 4x Infectious Bloodlust 4x Goblin War Paint Lands: 20 20x Moutain Sideboard: 15 3x Magmatic Chasm 3x Shatter 2x Twin Bolt 2x Act of Treason 2x Arc Lightning 1x Barrage of Boulders 1x Enthralling Victor 1x Arrow Storm The current Standard has a lack of cheap creatures that pack a punch. Bonded Construct is pretty bad, but it has two power for one mana. Lavastep Raider and Bellows

Phil Writes the Saturday Morning Brew: Modern Budget GB 2for1

This week for the Saturday Morning Brew, I wanted to look at the recent Battle for Zendikar's creatures that replace themselves when they die like Blisterpod and Carrier Thrall. Perhaps, a deck full of cards that replace themselves when they die might be hard to handle. Let's see what I came up with. GB 2for1 Creatures: 40 4x Blisterpod 4x Tukatongue Thalid 4x Young Wolf 4x Fume Spitter 4x Carrier Thrall 4x Nest Invader 4x Dripping-Tongue Zubera 2x Reassembling Skeleton 1x Gnawing Zombies 2x Brindle Boar 3x Pawn of Ulamog 2x Penumbra Spider 2x Gurmag Angler Spells: 2 2x Doom Blade Lands: 18 3x Jungle Hollow 8x Forest 7x Swamp Sideboard: 15 2x Knight of Infamy 2x Fleshbag Marauder 2x Brindle Boar 3x Naturalize 2x Nihil Spellbomb 2x Duress 2x Doom Blade Let me explain some of my choices. Blisterpod, Tukatongue Thalid, Young Wolf, Carrier Thrall, Dripping-Tongue Zubera, Pawn of Ulamog, and Penumbra Spider: All these creatures replace thems

Phil Writes About Pokemon: Wonder Trade Wednesday - #01

I recently found the Wonder Trade function on my Pokemon Y game, and I decided I was going to have a little fun with it. The first thing I did was catch some Pokemon and put them in a Wonder Trade box. Then, I set out to diversify the box by doing a handful of trades to see what happens. After I was happy with the box, I made some rules for a games. Rules: Roll 2 6-sided dice to determine number of trades. Select a Pokemon in the Wonder Trade box and trade them that many times. Repeat with how many different Pokemon I want. See what happens. I don't know if there is an actual point or not, but I thought it would be fun to see which Pokemon I get through the process. Here are my first round of trades. Dice Roll: 11 Starting Pokemon: Sneasel Sneasel -> Alomomola -> Magikarp -> Noibat -> Togepi -> Psyduck -> Squirtle -> Ursaring -> Pansage -> Paras -> Wurmple -> Metapod Not a productive trade, I would say, but it was an interest

5 Stupid easy ways to get save/ get money (apps)

So, like many other people in this county we could use more money for just about anything. So here are some stupid easy thing we do to save money and get money. In this post I'm going to talk about the apps we have been using.  Yes, all of these take a while to get your reward but its worth it! Lets star off with mPlaces . When you are around a business you can check in and depending on how big the company is you can get more coins. So basically go for a walk in a busy area (we like to go on a walk through a local strip mall) and you will get all the coins you can for that day. The normal amount you get when you check in is 10 coins. The more coins you have the better prizes you get (obviously). For example we are using our coins for an Amazon gift card. It won't be able to cover a huge purchases but EVERY little thing helps right?   Next up Swagbucks ! I use the desktop version more, however I have used the app a lot while I'm at work...but not how you

Phil Does a Nuzlocke: Pokemon Y #2 - Part 3

In case you have not read Part #2, here it is: Y #2 - Part 2 Here is the team from last time: Benjamin the Wartortle - Level 31 Ally the Spoink - Level 27 Sally the Floette - Level 25 Cheeks the Quilladin - Level 30 Kim the Cubone - Level 22 Dave the Fletchinder - Level 31 I headed up to Route 10 and caught my new friend Cecil the Electrike. Along the way, I stopped some Team Magma members on the way to Geosenge Town. No big deal. In Geosenge, Leader Korrina challenged me to a battle. I continued on to Route 11 and caught Diego the Hariyama! Unfortunately, Sally the Floette died in a double battle with Brain and Brawn. Diego was called up earlier than I hoped. After beating the Hiker, I went into Reflection Cave and accidentally hit a Chingling too hard. Dang. While making my way through the cave some things happened! Dave evolved into Talonflame, Ally evolved into Grumpig, and Kim evolved into Marowak. My family's growing up before my eye. How sweet. However, so

Phil Writes the Saturday Morning Brew: WB Clerics in Modern

I want to try to start putting out a deck, at least, one Saturday a month that is either a new deck all together or my own take on an existing deck. These decks are probably not tested, and I do not promised you will win any tournaments with them. I just like coming up with decklists I think are fun or interesting. This time, I wanted to explore one of my favorite Pauper decks geared up for Modern play, Clerics! I need to do some work on this deck, and any advice would be great. Here is the decklist so far: Creatures: 25 4x Apothecary Initiate 4x Leonin Arbiter 3x Blightspeaker 4x Suture Priest 4x Syndic of Tithes 4x Drana's Emissary 1x D'Avenant Healer  1x Fiend Hunter Spells: 14 4x Path to Exile 4x Thoughtseize 1x Dismember 1x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad 2x Onyx Goblet 2x Lingering Souls Lands: 21 4x Marsh Flats 4x Godless Shrine 1x Fetid Heath 2x Isolated Chapel 2x Shambling Vent 1x Temple of Silence 6x Plains 1x Swamp Sideboard:

Phil Writes Abouts The Sims 3: Project MEGAHOUSE Part 3 Time to get the Dough Rolling

(Here is Part 2 if you missed it: Let's Keep Going! ) Starting empty lot:   Weekly rent: $7,000 With my 8 roommates, I am moving forward and upgrading my house. After several weeks of saving up and working hard, this is what I had.   Weekly rent: $8,850 So far so good. The next step in my journey is to add a second story to this house. Doing laundry is a constant chore. This is nuts. It is exciting to see the whole ecosystem of the house works. There is always someone going in or out and hanging out in the hot tub.  I ran out of places to put things on the first floor so I decided to add a second floor onto the house. After some time and money, this is what I came up with for the first and second floors. Weekly rent: $15,800 Things are going great. I think I might either add a third floor or move to bigger empty lot and start over. The second floor still has some room for improvement before I