
Showing posts from June, 2015

Phil Does a Nuzlocke: Pokemon Y #1 - Part 3

Here are parts 1 and 2 if you have not read them: Pokemon y #1 - Part #1 Pokemon Y #1 - Part #2 Here is the Team:   Charizard AKA Dave - Level 50 Greninja AKA George - Level 49 Pidgeot AKA Luke - Level 49 Gabite AKA Lilly - Level 37 Karrablast AKA Blake - Level 37 Cubone AKA Andrew - Level 26 Due to me moving across the country and playing this game without writing anything down, I am ending this nuzlocke and starting a new one.  Please stayed tuned for Part one for Pokemon Y #2! Thank you, Philip Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook! Pokemon Caught : 18 Starter - Froakie AKA George Route 2 - Pidgey AKA Luke Santalune Forest - Pansage AKA Mike Route 3 - Azurill AKA Suzy Route 22 - Psyduck AKA Penny Route 4 - Flabebe AKA Flowergirl Kanto Starter - Charmander AKA Dave Route 5 - Pancharm AKA Pookie Route 6 - Oddish AKA Walter Route 7 - None Connecting Cave - None Route 8 - Spoink AKA Squirt  Route 9 - Sandile AKA Bob Ambrette T

Phil Brews on a Budget: Legacy/Modern Mono Black Aggro. ($14!!)

It seems like the prices of decks has started to sky rocket recently. That being the case, I want to try to find some alternative and maybe fun decks to play that don't cost a whole lot. These decks will not be the most productive, and they will not win you any tournaments. However, they will allow you to play Legacy and Modern games without throwing down a huge amount of money. All prices for cards are taken from ( ).    Mono Black Aggro Lands: 19 19 x Swamp Creatures: 31 4x Mardu Shadowspear (4 x 0.25) 2x Pulse Tracker (2 x 0.25) 4x Vampire Lacerator (4 x 0.20) 2x Slitherhead (4 x 0.20) 4x Brain Maggot (4 x 0.20) 4x Child of Night (4 x 0.20) 2x Reassembling Skeleton (2 x 0.20) 4x Herald of Torment (4 x 0.40) 3x Nighthowler (4 x 0.40) 2x Restless Apparition (2 x 0.20) Spells: 10 2x Distress (2 x 0.20) 4x Grasp the Darkness (4 x 0.20) 2x Sign in Blood (2 x 0.20) 2x Terror (2 x 0.20) Sideboard: 15 3x

MTG Pack: Dragons of Tarkir #10

Each time I open a pack, I want to write a little bit about each card to make sure that I think about each one individually as it relates to prismatic. When I'm done writing, I am going to add the non-rare or foil cards to my "Phil Plus Syd" prismatic deck. If you don't know what prismatic is or want to see what the decklist currently is, here is the link: By Card Type and By Card Color ! Magmatic Chasm One red and one generic for a red sorcery that says creatures without flying can't block this turn. This card is great to use to finish off an opponent. Most of their creatures won't have flying so you will be able to over come them with ease, assuming you have some attackers. When you are behind, this card will really just be a terrible draw. Center Soul One white and one generic for a white instant that gives target creature you control protection from the color of your choice until end of turn with Rebound. This could come in handy if you

The Saturday Morning Brew: Legacy/Modern RW 1-Drops

I want to try to start putting out a deck, at least, one Saturday a month that is either a new deck all together or my own take on an existing deck. These decks are probably not tested, and I do not promised you will win any tournaments with them. I just like coming up with decklists I think are fun or interesting. If you have any requests or ideas, please let me know. Here is my first go. a RW all 1-drop Legacy/Modern aggro deck. RW 1-Drops Lands : 14 4x Arid Mesa 4x Sacred Foundry 4x Plains 3x Mountain Creatures: 40 4x Goblin Guide 4x Dryad Militant 4x Rakdos Cackler 4x Mardu Woe-Reaper 4x Lightning Berserker 4x Dragon Hunter 4x Solider of the Pantheon 4x Loyal Pegasus 3x Zurgo Bellstriker 3x Isamaru, Hound of Konda 2x Legion Loyalist Spells: 6 4x Lightning Bolt 2x Path to Exile Sideboard: 15 4x Reckless Waif 3x Burrenton Forge-Tender 2x Basilisk Collar 2x Blinding Flare 2x Chained to the Rocks 2x Forked Bolt I'm not sure how many lands

Phil Does a Nuzlocke: Pokemon Y #1 - Part 2

If you haven't read Part 1, you can find it here: Pokemon Y #1 Part 1 Here is the Team where I left off last: Floette AKA Flowergirl - Level 35 Pidgeot AKA Luke - Level 37  Charizard AKA Dave - Level 37 Greninja AKA George - Level 37 Pangoro AKA Pookie - Level 34 Amaura  - Level 34 The trip to my fourth gym badge was short. I left with my new Lucario in the box and battled through to Coumarine City. The grass type gym there was not match for my team. Dave the Charizard has no trouble, and the fourth badge was mine. Here is the Team: Pangoro AKA Pookie - Level 39 Pidgeot AKA Luke - Level 41  Charizard AKA Dave - Level 41 Floette AKA Flowergirl - Level 37 Amaura  - Level 37 Greninja AKA George - Level40 I then restored order to the power plant, but at a cost of Flowergirl and Amaura. They fell in the line of duty during my encounter with Team Flare. I replaced them on my team and went to challenge the fifth badge in Lumiose City. The electric gym there

Phil Does a Nuzlocke: Pokemon Y #1 - Part 1

I finally bought a 3DS and Pokemon Y. I started playing the game regular style, and it was a little boring. I decided I wanted to reset the game and start it as a Nuzlocke. As before - Rules I'm following: Catch only the first Pokemon encountered in each route/area. Nickname all Pokemon. Once a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead and much be put in the PC. If the first Pokemon encountered on a route/area has already been caught, the next Pokemon encountered will be caught instead. Gift Pokemon are allowed.  I started off my Journey with George the Froakie. We quickly gathered some new friends and crushed the first gym. Here is the Team: Pidgey AKA Luke - Level 13 Froakie AKA George - Level 11 Pansage AKA Mike - Level 11 Azurill AKA Suzy - Level 9 Psyduck AKA Penny - Level 6 After my first victory, I had my first two causalities. Mike the Pansage and Suzy the Azurill met their fate. It was a sad time, but my team had to move on. I added in some new friends

Phil Brews on a Budget: Legacy/Modern Mono Red Goblins. ($14!!)

It seems like the prices of decks has started to sky rocket recently. That being the case, I want to try to find some alternative and maybe fun decks to play that don't cost a whole lot. These decks will not be the most productive, and they will not win you any tournaments. However, they will allow you to play Legacy and Modern games without throwing down a huge amount of money. All prices for cards are taken from ( ).  The first installment I have is a mono red Goblins tribal deck. These fun little guys have always fascinated me so I wanted to build a budget version of the deck to play around with.  Goblins Lands: 20 20 x Mountain Creatures: 30 4x Boros Recruit (4 x 0.20) 4x Goblin Arsonist (4 x 0.20) 4x Goblin Balloon Brigade (4 x 0.20) 4x Mogg War Marshal (4 x 0.35) 4x Mardu Scout (4 x 0.25) 4x Ember Hauler (4x 0.25) 2x Mudbutton Tourchrunner (2 x 0.20) 4x Goblin Chariot (4 x 0.20) Spells: 10 4x Tarfire (4 x

Phil Does a Nuzlocke: LeafGreen #1 - Part 2

If you haven't read Part 1. you can find it here:  LeafGreen Nuzlocke #1 Part 1 Here is team from where I left off: Dexter the Weepinbell - Level 23 Zach the Diglett - Level 25 Debbie the Gyrados - Level 24 Ed the Pidgeotto - Level 23 Sally the Raticate - Level 22 Whiskers the Meowth - Level 17 Thank you, Philip Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!   Pokemon Caught : 12 Route 1 - Rattata AKA Sally Route 22 -  Mankey AKA Luke Route 2 - Pidgey AKA Ed Viridia n For est -Weedle AKA Buzz Route 3 - Ninoran AKA Victoria Bought Magikarp AKA Debbie Mt. Moon - Zubat AKA Claire Route 4 - Spearow AKA Jack Route 24 - None Route 25 - Caterpie AKA Bob Route 5 - Meowth AKA Whiskers Route 6 - Bellsprout AKA Dexter Diglett Cave - Diglett AKA Zach Route 11 - Sandshrew AKA Pam Graveyard : 6 :( Victoria the Ninoran Buzz the Beedrill Luke the Mankey Claire the Zubat Bob the Butterfree Pam the Sandshrew

Why I'm in love with Pandora Boxx Update!

I recently donated to her kick starter for an awesome workout dvd. Two of my favorite things are working out and drag queens, so oh yeah you can bet I donated. Plus Pandora Boxx is hilarious so she will be making me laugh while endorphin's are running through my body equals best work outs ever. After donating  I tweeted at her hoping to give her more traffic and she tweeted back "Thanks Sydney!!" with a kissy face. She called me Sydney like we are best friends, no big deal. We have had a few twitter conversations which makes my inner fan girl want to faint but the fact that she remembered me makes me feel so special and excited to one day meet her. Help her here:   To read my first post about Pandora Boxx check it out here:    Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!

Phil Does a Nuzlocke: LeafGreen #1 - Part 1

For those that don't know, Nuzlocke is a different way to play Pokemon games by adding in extra self-imposed rules to follow. I've been watching a lot of Nuzlocke series on Youtube lately so I decided I wanted to do one for myself. The last time I did one was back in 2010, I believe. So, this will be a nice refresher for me. To start, I want to do LeafGreen because it is the updated version of the games I know the best, the original. Let's face it, the updated versions are just easier to use, too. No limited bag space, running shoes, ect. I will hopefully get to do more in the future, too. For now, let's start. Rules I'm following: Catch only the first Pokemon encountered in each route/area. Nickname all Pokemon. Once first Pokemon is caught, put starter in PC and never use again. Once a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead and much be put in the PC. If the first Pokemon encountered on a route/area has already been caught, the next Pokemon encountered will

Sydney and the Whale

Jonah and the Whale has always been one of my favorite Bible stories. It very repeatable, not everyone has been in a whale but the story and the lesson are. For those of you who are not very familiar with the story here's a small recap. The Lord spoke to Jonah and said "Go to Nineveh and tell the people there that they are being bad and they need to ask for forgiveness" But then Jonah was like "Uh. No." (Pretend its WWII and God told Jonah "They are doing awful things in Germany and I will bring bad things to them so go save them and tell them to ask for forgiveness." Now you can understand a little why Jonah wasn't super excited.)So he (stupidly) fled to Tarshish (in that day they thought Tarshish was the end of the earth so he thought he could escape God there.) Also Nineveh was east of Isreal and Tarshish was as far west as they could get. When he arrived at Joppa he found a boat that was heading to Tarshish so he paid them and got on the boat

Phil's Pokemon Journeys: Table of Contents

Regular Playthroughs Generation 1:         - Blue #1           Part 1: Getting Started with Blue                 Part 2: Blue Keeps on Rolling Through Rock Tunnel Nuzlocke Playthroughs Generation 3:       - LeafGreen #1            Part 1:  A New Journey Begins!               Part 2:  The Long Hall.   Generation 6:      - Y #1 (Ended)             Part 1: It's a Whole New World!                Part 2: Keeping up with Karrablast.                Part 3: Journey cut short        - Y #2               Part 1: A new start at my new start!               Part 2: The Train kept Rolliing. Thank you, Philip Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!   Image Source:

Trans-generational Pokemon Journey: Generation 1 - Blue Part 2

If you haven't read Part 1. you can find it here: Blue Part 1 Here is team from where I left off: Parasect - Level 25 Nidoqueen - Level 27 Fearow - Level 25 Wartortle - Level 25 And here we go. The Rock Tunnel was no match for my amazing team. I taught my Nidoqueen the Bubblebeam Misty gave me, and the rock and fighting types were no match for Nidoqueen, Wartortle, and Fearow. I did complete my goal of catching a Machop, as well. Now it is time to head over to Celadon City. I hear there is a cool Game Corner there, and I want to see it for myself. It turns out that Team Rocket had a secret base inside the Game Corner. Who knew?? I pillaged my way through the different levels and beat their leader. He dropped this thing called the Silph Scope. Time to go see if I can do something about the ghosts in the tower in Lavender Town I have been hearing about. On the way up the tower, I caught a Ghastly to complete my team. Machop evolved to Machoke while battling Team Rock