Phil Brews on a Budget: Legacy/Modern Mono Red Goblins. ($14!!)

It seems like the prices of decks has started to sky rocket recently. That being the case, I want to try to find some alternative and maybe fun decks to play that don't cost a whole lot. These decks will not be the most productive, and they will not win you any tournaments. However, they will allow you to play Legacy and Modern games without throwing down a huge amount of money. All prices for cards are taken from ( 

The first installment I have is a mono red Goblins tribal deck. These fun little guys have always fascinated me so I wanted to build a budget version of the deck to play around with. 


Lands: 20
20 x Mountain

Creatures: 30
4x Boros Recruit (4 x 0.20)
4x Goblin Arsonist (4 x 0.20)
4x Goblin Balloon Brigade (4 x 0.20)
4x Mogg War Marshal (4 x 0.35)
4x Mardu Scout (4 x 0.25)
4x Ember Hauler (4x 0.25)
2x Mudbutton Tourchrunner (2 x 0.20)
4x Goblin Chariot (4 x 0.20)

Spells: 10
4x Tarfire (4 x 0.20)
4x Dragon Fodder (4 x 0.35)
2x Shock (2 x 0.20)

Sideboard: 15
2x Act of Treason (2 x 0.20)
4x Curse of the Pierced Heart (4 x 0.20)
1x Combust (2 x 0.25)
2x Brimstone Volley (2 x 0.25)
2x Bottle Gnomes (3 x 0.20)
4x Reckless Waif (4 x 0.20)

Total Price: $13.20

Let's go over the creatures a little.

1 Drops:
- Boros Recruit: This 1/1 with first strike can take on all X/1's.
- Goblin Arsonist: When this little green man does one damage to your opponent when he dies so he can be used to attack with without hesitation because you will always get, at least, one damage in.
- Goblin Balloon Brigade: This guy can fly over your opponent's creatures for a single red mana. Evasion is always a good thing to have.

2 Drops:
- Mogg War Marshal: This is an amazing creature. He is four creatures in one card.
- Mardu Scout: The Dash mechanic on this creature makes him great for attacking when your opponent is tapped out. You do not have to worry about them killing him, and he goes back to your hand at the end of the turn.
- Ember Hauler: I really like this creature in cube. A two casting 2/2 is fine, but you get an extra Shock-like effect out of him if he is blocked or otherwise going to be killed. 

3 Drops:
- Mudbutton Tourchrunner: This creature is a Lightning Bolt on a stick. When it dies, you get to burn your opponent's face for three. He should be a fine way to finish your opponent off.
- Goblin Chariot: This guy has haste so he can attack right when he comes into play. it should help keep the pressure on your opponent.

- Act of Treason: A lot decks have big creatures that would be fun to steal, and then attack back at them with. Mostly, I'm thinking Tron decks.
- Curse of the Pierced Heart: This card puts an inevitable clock on the board. Control and combo opponents have to deal with a little more pressure from your goblin crew. 
- Bottle Gnomes: This guy will come in handy against burn opponents. Gaining a little bit of life should help keep you out of range.
- Reckless Waif: I like bringing this card in when I am on the play, and I know my opponent probably will not play a spell on their first turn. This type of deck also does not really have the power to cast two or more spell per turn until maybe the fifth turn. So, she should not flip back over because of yourself much.

Please let me know of any thoughts or suggestions. Also, let me know if there is any type of deck you would like to see me try to put together for as low of a price as I can. I have a few ideas, but after that I might need some help.

Thank you,
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