Phil Does a Nuzlocke: Pokemon Y #1 - Part 1

I finally bought a 3DS and Pokemon Y. I started playing the game regular style, and it was a little boring. I decided I wanted to reset the game and start it as a Nuzlocke.

As before - Rules I'm following:
  1. Catch only the first Pokemon encountered in each route/area.
  2. Nickname all Pokemon.
  3. Once a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead and much be put in the PC.
  4. If the first Pokemon encountered on a route/area has already been caught, the next Pokemon encountered will be caught instead.
  5. Gift Pokemon are allowed. 

I started off my Journey with George the Froakie. We quickly gathered some new friends and crushed the first gym.

Here is the Team:

Pidgey AKA Luke - Level 13
Froakie AKA George - Level 11
Pansage AKA Mike - Level 11
Azurill AKA Suzy - Level 9
Psyduck AKA Penny - Level 6

After my first victory, I had my first two causalities. Mike the Pansage and Suzy the Azurill met their fate. It was a sad time, but my team had to move on. I added in some new friends, and some even evolved! I picked Dave the Charmander as my Kanto starter because I lacked any fire type Pokemon or moves. The second gym was no match for my team with Dave, the now Charmeleon, taking down Amaura, and George, the Frogadier, taking down Tyrunt.

Here is the Team: 

Charmeleon AKA Dave - Level 28
Pidgeotto AKA Luke - Level 29
Frogadier AKA George - Level 29
Pancharm AKA Pookie - Level 25
Floette AKA Flowergirl - Level 26
Amaura  - Level 23

After my second badge, I worked my way to the next few cities and battled for my mega evolution wrist band. Meanwhile, my team grew up with Dave becoming  Charizard, Luke becoming Pidgeot, George becoming Greninja, and Pookie becoming Pangoro after George evolved. My bigger looking team was set to take on the fighting type gym. Korrina was to match for Flowergirl, Luke, and Dave. She fell easily, and then the mega evolution band and Lucario were mine.

Here is the Team:

Floette AKA Flowergirl - Level 35
Pidgeot AKA Luke - Level 37 
Charizard AKA Dave - Level 37
Greninja AKA George - Level37
Pangoro AKA Pookie - Level 34
Amaura  - Level 34

Next, I head for my fourth badge!
(You can find Part 2 here: Pokemon Y #1 Part 2 )

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Pokemon Caught: 15
Starter - Froakie AKA George
Route 2 - Pidgey AKA Luke
Santalune Forest - Pansage AKA Mike
Route 3 - Azurill AKA Suzy
Route 22 - Psyduck AKA Penny
Route 4 - Flabebe AKA Flowergirl
Kanto Starter - Charmander AKA Dave
Route 5 - Pancharm AKA Pookie
Route 6 - Oddish AKA Walter
Route 7 - None
Connecting Cave - None
Route 8 - Spoink AKA Squirt 
Route 9 - Sandile AKA Bob
Ambrette Town - Amaura
Cyllage City - Luvdisc AKA Eunice
Route 10 - Emolga AKA Kim
Route 11 - Staravia AKA BirdElvis
Reflection Cave - None
Shalour City - Lucario AKA Trevor

Graveyard: 2
Suzy the Azurill  
Mike the Pansage



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