Phil Does a Nuzlocke: LeafGreen #1 - Part 2

If you haven't read Part 1. you can find it here: LeafGreen Nuzlocke #1 Part 1

Here is team from where I left off:

Dexter the Weepinbell - Level 23
Zach the Diglett - Level 25
Debbie the Gyrados - Level 24
Ed the Pidgeotto - Level 23
Sally the Raticate - Level 22
Whiskers the Meowth - Level 17

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Pokemon Caught: 12
Route 1 - Rattata AKA Sally
Route 22 -  Mankey AKA Luke
Route 2 - Pidgey AKA Ed
Viridian Forest -Weedle AKA Buzz
Route 3 - Ninoran AKA Victoria
Bought Magikarp AKA Debbie
Mt. Moon - Zubat AKA Claire
Route 4 - Spearow AKA Jack
Route 24 - None
Route 25 - Caterpie AKA Bob
Route 5 - Meowth AKA Whiskers
Route 6 - Bellsprout AKA Dexter
Diglett Cave - Diglett AKA Zach
Route 11 - Sandshrew AKA Pam

Graveyard: 6 :(
Victoria the Ninoran
Buzz the Beedrill
Luke the Mankey
Claire the Zubat
Bob the Butterfree
Pam the Sandshrew


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