Phil Does a Nuzlocke: LeafGreen #1 - Part 1

For those that don't know, Nuzlocke is a different way to play Pokemon games by adding in extra self-imposed rules to follow. I've been watching a lot of Nuzlocke series on Youtube lately so I decided I wanted to do one for myself. The last time I did one was back in 2010, I believe. So, this will be a nice refresher for me. To start, I want to do LeafGreen because it is the updated version of the games I know the best, the original. Let's face it, the updated versions are just easier to use, too. No limited bag space, running shoes, ect. I will hopefully get to do more in the future, too. For now, let's start.

Rules I'm following:
  1. Catch only the first Pokemon encountered in each route/area.
  2. Nickname all Pokemon.
  3. Once first Pokemon is caught, put starter in PC and never use again.
  4. Once a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead and much be put in the PC.
  5. If the first Pokemon encountered on a route/area has already been caught, the next Pokemon encountered will be caught instead.
  6. Gift Pokemon are allowed.
Now that I have stated my rules, I want to get right into the adventure. I hope you enjoy it!

I entered Route 1 and a partner appeared. Rattata! I used the started I was given to catch her, and I named her Sally. In Viridian City, I deposited my starter in the PC. After that, it was time to catch my second Pokemon on Route 22.

Route 22 always excites me. There are poison and fighting types lurking in the grass. What did I run into? Mankey. Good!. Sally weakened him, and I flew in for the caught. Luke joins the team. I decided I wanted to try to get the remaining two Pokemon I can get before Brock before I started training Sally and Luke. Route 2 and the Virdian Forest called.

Luke, Sally, and I went up to Route 2 and ran into our new friend, Pidgey. After a tackle from Sally, he was weak enough to capture. That's how Ed joined the ranks. The forest was next on my list. I walked in the grass for a while before encountering anything. When it was finally time, Weedle appeared, and Sally tackled him before I caught my new friend, Buzz. Time to do some grinding before facing my Rival and then proceeding through the Viridian Forest.

My rival was no match for my rag-tag team, and I am on to the Viridian Forest. While battling through the bugs, Buzz evolved into Kakuna and then Beedrill! Now, time for Brock and my first badge.

For some reason, I always forget that fighting is good against rock. Luke masterfully took down both Geodude and Onix. Just like that, the first badge was mine. Time to head to Mt. Moon.

Luke - Mankey - Level 11
Buzz - Beedrill - Level 13
Ed - Pidgey - Level 15
Sally - Rattata - Level 10

On the way to Mt. Moon, I caught a Female Ninoran that I named Victoria. Unfortunately, she has a short lifespan and is now in the graveyard. I ran into Mt. Moon to get my buddy from the route. Not to my surprise, I found a Zubat. I named her Claire, and she is as happy as can be right now. as far as I can tell.  

While beating up the rest of the trainers along Route 3, another causality occurred. Buzz got hit by two critical attacks in a row and made his way to the graveyard. He will be missed. In the PokeCenter right before Mt. Moon, I found a weird guy that sold me a Magikarp for 500 Pokemon Currency. I named her Debbie. Time to make my way through this crazy mountain.

Mt. Moon always drives me crazy. After a series of unfortunate events, Luke ended up passing away before I could do anything to help him. I was looking forward to using him in the long run. He will be missed.

Outside of the cave on the way to Cerulean City, I ran across a Spearow on Route 4. Sally took him down a bit before I caught my newest friend, Jack.While training Debbie and Spearow, a miraculous event happened, Ed evolved into Pidgeotto!! They grow up so fast! My team is not prepared to battle my rival, though. More training is on the schedule for now.

While training, Claire got hit by a critical that knocked her out in one hit. To be honest, she never won a battle by herself, so I am not that sad. Shortly after, I challanged my rival at the entrance of the Nugget Bridge. Ed took town most of his team, with Sally taking down his last Pokemon. Time to venture north to see what lies ahead.

As I worked my way up, Debbie evolved in Gyrados and learned Bite! I didn't end up catching any Pokemon on Route 24 because Sally criticaled a poor Bellsprout too hard. I did end up catching, Bob, my new Caterpie on Route 25, though! There were a lot of trainers up here, too! I battled them all, and to my surprise, Bob evolved into a cocoon and then a Butterfree!! How awesome!

After battling through all the trainers, I found a house that belonged to my newest human friend, Bill. It turns out that he  came up with the box system I use on the PC. I helped him out with something, and he gave me a ticket to go on a cruise ship. Time to go challenge the second gym to get my second badge!

While fighting Misty, Bob met an unfortunate end. Somehow, Misty's Staryu used two critical moves in a row. Bob will be missed even though his time on the team was short. I had high hopes for him. I need to work on keeping my Pokemon alive longer. I don't have a full team. :( Debbie, the Gyrados, took town the rest of Staryu and Starmie with no problem using her powerful biting abilities. Just like that, the second badge was mine.

Debbie the Gyrados - Level 21
Ed the Pidgeotto - Level 21
Sally the Rattata - Level 18
Captain Jack Spearow - Level 8

Time to move on to Vermilion City and my third badge! On the way to Vermildion, I caugth the nice kitty, Whispers. I've never used a Meowth before so I am excited to use him. Also, I caught Dexter the Bellsprout right outside the city. Once in the city, I entered the Diglett Cave to find a good friend to help me at the Gym. My right was really weak to electric. Zach joined the team soon after. I ventured over to Route 11 to caught a Pokemon there, too. Pam the Sandshrew was able to make her addition to the team. Now, I need to form up my team and grind a lot.

During the training process, Pam the Sandshrew met an untimely death at the hands of a critical hit, like everyone else. The S. S. Anne provided a much needed leveling opportunity for Dexter the Bellsprout. In fact, he evolved into Weepinbell!  My rival did not provide much of an obstacle, and soon after I got Cut and left. Now, time to earn my third badge.

Dexter the Weepinbell - Level 23
Zach the Diglett - Level 25
Debbie the Gyrados - Level 24
Ed the Pidgeotto - Level 23
Sally the Raticate - Level 22
Whiskers the Meowth - Level 17
 After my victory, I headed through the Diglett cave and met up with Professor Oak's Aide. He gave me Flash and I went on my way. Now, it is time to go through the Rock Tunnel. 

See you on the other side.
(LeafGreen #1 Part 2)

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Pokemon Caught: 13
Route 1 - Rattata AKA Sally
Route 22 -  Mankey AKA Luke
Route 2 - Pidgey AKA Ed
Viridian Forest -Weedle AKA Buzz
Route 3 - Ninoran AKA Victoria
Bought Magikarp AKA Debbie
Mt. Moon - Zubat AKA Claire
Route 4 - Spearow AKA Jack
Route 24 - None
Route 25 - Caterpie AKA Bob
Route 5 - Meowth AKA Whiskers
Route 6 - Bellsprout AKA Dexter
Diglett Cave - Diglett AKA Zach
Route 11 - Sandshrew AKA Pam

Graveyard: 6 :(
Victoria the Ninoran
Buzz the Beedrill
Luke the Mankey
Claire the Zubat
Bob the Butterfree
Pam the Sandshrew


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