
Showing posts from September, 2015

Phil Writes About Pokemon: Wonder Trade Wednesday - #01

I recently found the Wonder Trade function on my Pokemon Y game, and I decided I was going to have a little fun with it. The first thing I did was catch some Pokemon and put them in a Wonder Trade box. Then, I set out to diversify the box by doing a handful of trades to see what happens. After I was happy with the box, I made some rules for a games. Rules: Roll 2 6-sided dice to determine number of trades. Select a Pokemon in the Wonder Trade box and trade them that many times. Repeat with how many different Pokemon I want. See what happens. I don't know if there is an actual point or not, but I thought it would be fun to see which Pokemon I get through the process. Here are my first round of trades. Dice Roll: 11 Starting Pokemon: Sneasel Sneasel -> Alomomola -> Magikarp -> Noibat -> Togepi -> Psyduck -> Squirtle -> Ursaring -> Pansage -> Paras -> Wurmple -> Metapod Not a productive trade, I would say, but it was an interest

5 Stupid easy ways to get save/ get money (apps)

So, like many other people in this county we could use more money for just about anything. So here are some stupid easy thing we do to save money and get money. In this post I'm going to talk about the apps we have been using.  Yes, all of these take a while to get your reward but its worth it! Lets star off with mPlaces . When you are around a business you can check in and depending on how big the company is you can get more coins. So basically go for a walk in a busy area (we like to go on a walk through a local strip mall) and you will get all the coins you can for that day. The normal amount you get when you check in is 10 coins. The more coins you have the better prizes you get (obviously). For example we are using our coins for an Amazon gift card. It won't be able to cover a huge purchases but EVERY little thing helps right?   Next up Swagbucks ! I use the desktop version more, however I have used the app a lot while I'm at work...but not how you

Phil Does a Nuzlocke: Pokemon Y #2 - Part 3

In case you have not read Part #2, here it is: Y #2 - Part 2 Here is the team from last time: Benjamin the Wartortle - Level 31 Ally the Spoink - Level 27 Sally the Floette - Level 25 Cheeks the Quilladin - Level 30 Kim the Cubone - Level 22 Dave the Fletchinder - Level 31 I headed up to Route 10 and caught my new friend Cecil the Electrike. Along the way, I stopped some Team Magma members on the way to Geosenge Town. No big deal. In Geosenge, Leader Korrina challenged me to a battle. I continued on to Route 11 and caught Diego the Hariyama! Unfortunately, Sally the Floette died in a double battle with Brain and Brawn. Diego was called up earlier than I hoped. After beating the Hiker, I went into Reflection Cave and accidentally hit a Chingling too hard. Dang. While making my way through the cave some things happened! Dave evolved into Talonflame, Ally evolved into Grumpig, and Kim evolved into Marowak. My family's growing up before my eye. How sweet. However, so

Phil Writes the Saturday Morning Brew: WB Clerics in Modern

I want to try to start putting out a deck, at least, one Saturday a month that is either a new deck all together or my own take on an existing deck. These decks are probably not tested, and I do not promised you will win any tournaments with them. I just like coming up with decklists I think are fun or interesting. This time, I wanted to explore one of my favorite Pauper decks geared up for Modern play, Clerics! I need to do some work on this deck, and any advice would be great. Here is the decklist so far: Creatures: 25 4x Apothecary Initiate 4x Leonin Arbiter 3x Blightspeaker 4x Suture Priest 4x Syndic of Tithes 4x Drana's Emissary 1x D'Avenant Healer  1x Fiend Hunter Spells: 14 4x Path to Exile 4x Thoughtseize 1x Dismember 1x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad 2x Onyx Goblet 2x Lingering Souls Lands: 21 4x Marsh Flats 4x Godless Shrine 1x Fetid Heath 2x Isolated Chapel 2x Shambling Vent 1x Temple of Silence 6x Plains 1x Swamp Sideboard:

Phil Writes Abouts The Sims 3: Project MEGAHOUSE Part 3 Time to get the Dough Rolling

(Here is Part 2 if you missed it: Let's Keep Going! ) Starting empty lot:   Weekly rent: $7,000 With my 8 roommates, I am moving forward and upgrading my house. After several weeks of saving up and working hard, this is what I had.   Weekly rent: $8,850 So far so good. The next step in my journey is to add a second story to this house. Doing laundry is a constant chore. This is nuts. It is exciting to see the whole ecosystem of the house works. There is always someone going in or out and hanging out in the hot tub.  I ran out of places to put things on the first floor so I decided to add a second floor onto the house. After some time and money, this is what I came up with for the first and second floors. Weekly rent: $15,800 Things are going great. I think I might either add a third floor or move to bigger empty lot and start over. The second floor still has some room for improvement before I

Hipster Family Legacy: A baby and a coffee shop

They got prego!!! They were super excited about their newest family member they wanted to all the toys and furniture right away! While Madeline was on leave I had her work on her handiness skill. I figured since she was missing work she might as well do something productive. Also after a few weeks of being at the top of the video game designer career, I decided for Jax to get a job at the stadium as a sports agent ( level 10 jock influence)   I bought this small coffee shop looking place and gave it a makeover to look more modern. (See below) But when I had my Sim go their to order food she couldn't. Something wasn't working right. But you know how any Sims game has glitches.    So. when I realized that no one could actually use my shop I went in and tore it all down! I built a bigger and better one. As I've said before I'm not very good at building so I don't do it a lot but lately, I'm proud of myself and what I've built. So here is the ne

List of TV Shows Series and Movies that We Need to Watch!

Here is a list of the TV shows and movies that we need to watch. I (Philip) thought we needed somewhere that we can keep track of everything that we are trying to watch. Also, I thought maybe some other people might find it interesting to know what we are watching and planning on watching. Here are the lists. TV Series : Seinfeld: Currently on Episode 2 or 3 How I Met Your Mother: Not Started King of the Hill: Season 2 Arrested Development: Season 2   Movies : Star Wars I-VI: Before VII comes out (12/18/2015) Thank you, Philip Plus Sydney Follow Us on Twitter! Like Us on Facebook!

Phil Writes the Saturday Morning Brew: Modern Mono Green Elks

I want to try to start putting out a deck, at least, one Saturday a month that is either a new deck all together or my own take on an existing deck. These decks are probably not tested, and I do not promised you will win any tournaments with them. I just like coming up with decklists I think are fun or interesting. Modern Mono Green Elk Creatures: 27 4x Dawntreader Elk 4x Golden Hind 4x Highland Game 2x Burnished Hart 4x Adaptive Automation 4x Great Sable Stag 3x Stampeding Elk Herd 2x Axebane Stag Spells: 11 2x Thrumming Stone 4x Rancor 2x Aspect of Hydra 2x Dismember 1x Become Immense Lands: 22 4x Cavern of Souls 18x Forest Sideboard: 15 2x Skylasher 2x Feed the Clan 2x Creeping Corrosion 1x Ratchet Bomb 1x Cloudthresher 2x Gut Shot 1x Best Within 1x Back to Nature 2x Tormod's Crypt 1x Oxidize Elks: Dawntreader Elk: Two for a 2/2 is not too bad. Also, this guy helps us ramp up to Axebane Stag. Golden Hind: Two for a 2/1 is not hor

Hipster Family Legacy Ep2 Marriage

In my previous post I mentioned that I wanted my hipsters to get promotions and get married. Well, they both got promotions. Jax is now an executive producer and Madeline is a carnivorous plant eater tender. They got engaged on Snow Flake Day and were married that Saturday. Under the Mistletoe (Yeah, I'm a romantic like that) I didn't get too creative with the wedding scene. Just some chairs, an arch, wedding cake, buffet table, and a juice kegger.   The juice kegger was to calm the nerves before the ceremony ;)   The ceremony went well!    They celebrated by breaking the sink and stole a kiss in the kitchen.  Then they ran up stairs and promptly went to sleep because I woke them up really early to start setting up.  Whats the next step? kids? New jobs? An affair?  Stay tuned...

Hipster Family Legacy Ep1 Intro

I got the idea to make a hipster family when I got the Sims 3 University expansion pack. As the generations continue I'm going to change the social groups. The children of this generation (children of the hipsters) might be super preppy or very grungy. I haven't decided yet BUT if anyone thinks of an idea I will be more than happy to hear them. So here is my hipster family The guy is named Jax Cunningham His traits are; handy, couch potato, genius, vegetarian, eco-friendly,and frugal He is level 8 of the video game designer (level 10 nerd) His girlfriend is named Madeline Her traits are; Loves the Outdoors, excitable, eco-friendly, easily impressed, and angler She is level  of the Science career.   The house they are living in I built from the ground up! Which may not seem very impressive but I NEVER build houses because I don't like doing it but I found a relatively easy design online and slightly followed it.   Upstairs   Main floor    O

Phil Writes Abouts The Sims 3: Project MEGAHOUSE Part 2 Let's Keep it Going!

(Here is part 1 if you missed it: The Beginning) Recap of Concept : The idea of this project is to create a house that is worth so much that you receive $1,000,000 in rent each week from your roommates.  Where are left off: House - Roommates - 5 Weekly rent - $1,900 Now, the plan is to upgrade everything and finish filling out my new house. Once I get my life goal of having a household worth $100,000, I am going to move to a empty lot to begin the first real megahouse of this project. After a few more week of upgrading and investing in my house, I have this. Weekly rent: $2,450 I just need to keep it up so I can keep raising my weekly rent amount. Meanwhile, I have been spending my days fishing in my little pond and chatting with my roommates. Fish can turn into upgrades, as it turns out. After replacing a lot in my house and adding in a lot, I finally have enough to feel comfortable moving to an empty lot to pursue the beginning stages of MEGAHOUSE. Here is