Phil Does a Nuzlocke: Pokemon Y #2 - Part 2

In case you have not read Part #1, here it is: Pokemon Y #2 - Part #1

Here is the team from last time:

Cheeks the Chespin - Level 10
Dave the Fletchling - Level 12
Orville the Pidgey - Level 13

Once the gym battle ended, I remembered that I had a chance to catch another Pokemon before the gym. Whoops. After stopping by the PokeCenter, we headed up to Route 22 and found our newest friend, Heather the Litleo. The dead end made us head back the other way across town to Route 4. A little Skitty popped up, and became our newest friend Jill.

This team is starting to pull itself together. I walked into Lumiose City and head down the way to Professor Sycamore's laboratory. He wanted to test my skills and challenged me to a battle. His three Kanto starters were no watch for my team, and afterwords, Cheeks evolved into a Quilladin! Professor Sycamore let me pick one of the three starters to take with me on my journey. After assessing my team, I decided to go with Squirtle. Benjamin joined the team as my water support. Finally, a full team.

I met with my friends at the cafe, and then headed to Route 5 to catch our first reserve Pokemon. A Bunnelby appeared. Jill accidentally hit him a little too hard. Oh well. Afterwords, Dave evolved into Fletchinder and Orville evolved into Pidgeotto!

Next, I met my new friends Veronica the Venipede and Sally the Flabebe on Routes 6 and 7. Meanwhile, Benjamin evolved into Wartortle! I went back to the city.Jill the Skitty went back into the PC for Veronica, and Orville the Pidgeotto for Sally.               (I decided to skip the Snorlax encounter.)

After Serena and I beat up our other friends, I heading into the Connecting Cave. Ruby the Zubat joined the team after some hesitation. Zubats are nothing but trouble, man. The cave lead me to Route 8 where I encountered Ally the Spoink. Unfortunately, Veronica lost her life in the battle to catch Ally. I like Bug and Poison types so that hurts.

I made it to Ambrette Town and exchanged our poor Veronica for Ruby the Zubat and put Heather the Litleo in the box for Ally. The redundant Fire type was not helping with anything. The grass called as the new team of youngsters yearned to gain experience so I ran around and grinded the team.

The Old Rod was given to me in Ambrette Town. Catching Pokemon is now an option. In Ambrette Town, I fished up a Luvdisc. After a little fight, Lennard was mine. Benjamin is doing find holding up the Water position. Its good to have a backup, though. Gulp, you never know what can happen. It was time to move on to the next city and get our badge!

I made it to Glittering Cave and Serena was there to help me rescue a scientist. While in the cave, Sally evolved into Floette. Also, a little Cubone joined the team after a trainer used a Shelder to take our Ruby the Zubat. Kim will make a great addition to the group!

Cyllage City, the home of the second gym, was the next stop. I exchanged Ruby for Kim and headed to the gym. After climbing to the top of the rock wall, I challenged Grant to a battle. Benjamin took down Amaura with a series of Water Pulses, and Cheeks took down Tyrunt with a Rollout barrage. The second badge is ours!

Here is the team:

Benjamin the Wartortle - Level 31
Ally the Spoink - Level 27
Sally the Floette - Level 25
Cheeks the Quilladin - Level 30
Kim the Cubone - Level 22
Dave the Fletchinder - Level 31

Third badge is ours next time!!
(Part 3 is right here: Y #2 Part #3)

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Pokemon Caught:11
Starter - Cheeks the Chespin
Route 2 - Orville the Pidgey
Santalune Forest - None
Route 3 - Dave the Fletchling
Route 22 - Heather the Litleo
Route 4 - Jill the Skitty
Route 5 - None
Route 6 - Veronica the Venipede
Route 7 - Sally the Flabebe
Connecting Cave - Ruby the Zubat
Route 8 - Ally the Spoink
Ambrette Town - Lennard the Luvdisc
Route 9 - None
Glittering Cave - Kim the Cubone

Graveyard: 2
Veronica the Venipede
Ruby the Zubat



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