Pauper: BGr Hooting Angler

Since Treasure Cruise was banned in Pauper, I've been working on a kind of spin-off deck from the Turbo Angler BU Gurmag Angler Delver deck. For some reason, I really like Hooting Mangrills, too, so I have been working on a deck with both of them. I like the way it plays out so far. Here is the decklist:

Lands: 24
4x Evolving Wilds
4x Terramorphic Expanse
3x Barren Moor
1x Tranquil Thicket
2x Golgari Rot Farm
2x Jungle Hollow
5x Swamp
2x Forest
1x Mountain

Creatures: 23
4x Gurmag Angler
4x Hooting Mandrills
2x Sultai Scavenger
4x Satyr Wayfinder
4x Golgari Brownscale
3x Stinkweed Imp
2x Putrid Imp

Other Spells: 13
2x Snuff Out
3x Gristly Salvage
4x Commune with the Gods
4x Tortured Existence

Sideboard: 15
1x Leafcrown Dryad
2x Choking Sands
2x Gorilla Shaman
2x Grim Harvest
2x Pyroblast
1x Evincar's Justice
1x Crippling Fatigue
2x Wickerbough Elder
2x Gnaw to the Bone

Let me explain what's going on a little bit.

Dig/Graveyard fillers:
4x Satyr Wayfinder
4x Golgari Brownscale
3x Stinkweed Imp
3x Grisly Salvage
4x Commune with the Gods
2x Putrid Imp

The Wayfinders, Commune with the Gods, and Grisly Salvage are general dump cards into the graveyard while digging through the library.
 The Brownscales and Stinkweed Imps are you Dredging through your deck once you don't need to draw anymore cards. These two go great with Putrid Imp and Tortured Existence.
Putrid Imp helps throws drawn Dredge cards into the graveyard.

Delve Creatures:
4x Gurmag Angler
4x Hooting Mandrills
2x Sultai Scavenger

These are the big payoff creatures you get for putting as many cards as you can in your graveyard. They are pretty awesome when you only have to have a few many each to cast them.

I really like playing this deck so far. I hope to update it in the future still.

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